Well today is exciting because it is the SwissgirlDesigns Blog Hop! (If you have stumbled upon my blog and didn't know about the blog hop then click here, and it will take you to the beginning :D)
Now I know I went on and on about these stamps in my last post but if you have never heard of Rahel Menig's stamp company SwissgirlDesigns, the you NEED to check them out! They are beautiful, and of really good quality, and the designs are clever. :D And lucky for you guys, I actually have one set to giveaway today!! This is one of my fav sets of hers: Sew Happy.

Aren't they amazing?! :D Be sure the check out her shop for all her other designs (trust me you will wanna!
Here is my layout about my little Aurelia. :) Isn't she silly?! She is always trying to grab the camera when I take pictures anymore so I have to work with what I can get. :P The theme for this blog hop is love and sparkly! I did lots of glitter and of course I love my little baby. I had lots of fun doing this layout. Hope you like it!
*ETA!!* Hi everyone! Ok so I am not quite sure how it happened but my layout image never loaded into the post? I checked this post what felt like a billion times before I pressed for it to be prescheduled, but we have had a crazy morning and I am only just checking on everything now. Anyone ever had that happen before-where blogger just eats your image?! Weird huh?! Wel it is here now! :D Sorry bout that everyone!

Ok so in order to get your name in for this stamp set, I need you to leave me a comment telling me about the best Valentines Day gift you have ever received or given. The one that meant the most to you, that you will never forget your whole life. Even if you bought it for yourself!! Laugh! I would LOVE to hear about it! I will share my absolute hands-down fav with you all when I announce the winner! Thanks so so much for stopping by!
Your next destination on the blog hop is the very talented Lilith! And just in case you get lost somewhere along the way here is the whole line up:
Amy <-- That's where you are now! :D
Hope you all have a great time hopping! And again Happy Valentine's Day!!
My absolute FAVORITE gift came today --- a little package of special scrapbooking supplies -- everyone at work got flowers and I was jumping around at my scrap box -- which I think fellow scrappers can only know what that feeling is like --- happy Valentine's day!
Hi! I can't see your layout for some reason. :/ But I'll be back to check it out.
Best gift ever... Probably the first flowers I got from my boyfriend. Such a classic thing, that I am happy to have received, 'cos who wouldn't wanna experience it. :) Every little girls' dream!
Best V-day gift was a bouquet of peonies from my now fiance. I know they are just flowers, but I casually mentioned to him once that they were my favorite and in season for such a short time. And he remembered and found them for me out of season! It was such an amazing gesture and one I'll never forget =)
Amy, I can't see your LO...Is it my wonky internet, or did it fall out?
Best Valentine's gift ever was when I gave DH a tag album where the last tag asked him to marry me (or rather set a date - since we were engaged) and _he agreed_...! That was five years ago, today! :D
My birthday is really close to V day, so I usually only get a gift for one or the other. One year, I received a dozen roses twice, once for V day, once for my bday, 3 days later.
A couple of years ago my husband gave me a bouquet of sunflowers which had tickets to Orlando, FL in it. We went to Disney World! Best time EVER! While there I found I was feeling kinda sick and very tired- second gift? We found out we would have our first baby in September!! He's having a hard time topping that these days.
I haven't really given anyone a present (valentines isn't that big in Norway. But when we where very small we made cards to each other.
My youngest child out of 5 kids was born on Valentines Day 4 years ago..totally unexpected, beautiful suprise!
The best present I ever got was our daughter - she was born on the 13th February but she still felt like a gift from heaven the next day and every year thereafter!
The best Valentine's Day gift I was given was the birth of my daughter.
hi amy. your layout didn't show up. Can't wait to see it.
The best gift i ever gave was a day on a beauty resort together with my boyfriend. I just gave it to him for valentine's day haha
Thanks for a chance to win :)
Last year I received a bunch of 50 red roses from my boyfriend. I think that was the most important present to me.
Beautiful layout! And my favorite valentine memory would be the year my boyfriend (now husband of 30 years) brought me a dozen red roses to the office where I worked. He also brought the other 8secretaries in my office each a single yellow rose.
What a precious little girl! Love your layout and thanks for the chance to win some of Rahel's stamps!
What a wonderful layout!! TFS!
The best Valentine's gift was this year's gift: a Valentine's lunch in the centre of our town. We had such a great time!!
A happy Valentine's Day to you too!
In middle school, I got called to the front office and there was a big bouquet of flowers & a card from my mom & my sister! I think I cried, I felt so special! :)
My gift to us last year was also finding out we were expecting, our lil man was born October 8th..again nothing could top the excitement of last years Valentines day...;) love your LO it's amazing, beautiful lil girl....
Sorry Amy I'm only new at this blog hop thing lol...I left the comment from "anonymous" saying best gift ever for Valentines day was the news we were expecting..it truly was an awesome day!!! Emma Shaw
This is my first visit but certainly not my last! I love your page and I really hope to win this stamp set! Thank you for the chance!!!
I totally forgot to add that my favorite Valentine's Day gift was last year when my DH bought me my first DSLR!!!!
Receiving flowers I guess :)
Thanks for sharing your LO!!!!!!
cheryl131091 at yahoo dot com
loved your page!!! my best valentine gift was the time my hubby and son took care of me when I was sick. yup, I was sick on a v day! and a slice of mango from my son was the best! simple joys!
Your LO is so sweet! Your little girl is adorable! I think the best Valentine's gift I ever received was from me Dad. My mom was usually in charge of buying gifts, but every Valentine's my Dad would buy us cheesy cards and a box of chocolates with the little flavor diagram. I loved that he took the time to go to the much dreaded store and pick something out just for me!
So cute ! Love your LO !!
For the gift, i think, it was a chocalate egg (Kinder)... it's a liitle be silly, but the meaning was very important for me !
love the design with the vertical banner - very sweet indeed.
Best gift ever recieved was my eldest son who gave me a card full of hearts that he made on day care when he was just 1.5 years old. My heart got all warm.
best gift ever ... um hmmm ... actually i'm still waiting! hee! i've gotten very sweet cards from my hubby so i will say that. we don't really "do" valentine's day!
this is my first time here, what a lovely place!
This is fun!! I'd have to go with the first V-Day my hubby and I had together when we were dating. We'd only been dating for about 3 weeks. I invited him to dinner with some friends so no pressure right? He was nice enough to get me flowers but appoligized because he was not happy with the way they turned out. He thought they looked like something he'd give his mom if she was in the hosital or something. He told the flower gal that we hadn't been dating long and that he wanted something nice but not over the top. Anyway, I opened the card and it said "Happy Valentines Honey I love You So Much Love Jerry (not my hubby) I laughed so hard because I realized he picked up the wrong flowers. Ha Ha!!! We kept the card and talk about those flowers every year.
One year I got a blackberry! But you never forget your first stuffed bear from your first boyfriend :)
One year my sister got me an egraved ring that read "A sister is a friend for life" That was definitely the best v-day gift I ever recieved!
a teddy bear with a heart :)
my husband gave it to me in our first Valentine´s day
My favorite was this year! My boyfriend bought me an infinity ring! I absolutely love it!
We don't celebrate Valetinesday, but my Hubby gave me an Orchid this year: it is the first Flower he ever gave to me, the first Flower in our new, common flat and on 14.2. we were 2,5 Years together :]
I absolutley LOEV your LO and the cute Pictures of your little Mrs.Sweety :D
LG Lilith
Oh LOVE this layout!!
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