
Friday, November 7, 2008

Gettin better, wouldn't ya think?!

Yay! I'm posting again and it has only been a little over a week! I am really improving on this huh?! Well I have lots to show ya today! I finally finished (well partially finished) my altered book from the class I took at SIS with Martha! Yes, we got the printer unjammed! You should have seen it! Because I didn't have the strength to pull the huge chunk of paper out it had to wait till Jed could do it, but by the time he got around to it the printer had been kickin out so much ink that the paper was almost completely tie-dyed! Have you ever seen a printer do that? It was weird but we are really glad it didn't ruin anything, but a little upset because we had to replace all the ink cartridges! Anyway, I give you my altered book! .....

These two pics below of the book are of the pages that I still need to do. I am going to slowly work more on this book as time goes on. It will be kinda like an art journal for me.

So before I mentioned that I was doing a lot of LOs with my Label Tulip September kits. Well these are what I did.
This first one is about my little brother. I have never really told him how I feel about his joining the army. He doesn't really sit and listen to any mushy or sappy stuff that you have to say so it can be hard to tell him how you feel at times. I did this LO quite a bit different from my normal LOs only because I wanted it to have a bit more of a masculine feel to it. Wonder what he will think of it when he gets home.

This one is a LO of me. I think it is very healthy to do LOs about yourself. At least for me it is. It helps me to think about who I am as of now and that moment. Being busy in so many different directions it is good for me to make time for a little internal reflection. And happiness is something that should be celebrated and documented with me. (BTW don't you just adore those little birdy characters?!! What are they exactly though? Birds? Owl? something else? hehe cute cute)

This LO is for my love. He is so wonderful and such a blessing in my life. And I wanted to let him know that. So I chose to give a reason as to why I love him so much for every year that he is old. That makes 32. (My favorite reason is # 14. It doesn't matter how many times I tell him the difference betweent the two, he still gets them mixed up hehe.)

With this LO I wanted to document this adorable relationship that was forming between my daughter and the very first stuffed animal she became attached to. It is so cute to see her carry that thing around, with it being so much bigger than she is! Now I don't know if you remember the old dolls from the '80s I think it was, called Kid Sister/My Buddy? I remember the commercials for those dolls and that super duper catchy little jingle for them. Well I just stuffed Sock Monkey in for the doll name and got my title. And gosh it makes me laugh everytime I sing it!

and a few close ups....

This LO took so much planning that I almost completely lost interest in it. I had such a visual in my head with this and it just didn't turn out like I imagined it would and I couldn't figure out what the heck else to do to make it look right. So I gave up and just adhered everything in the place I currently had it and called it done. It is another one of my LOs that is supposed to be read through the whole way. Let me explain. It is supposed to be read like this: this moment is..... cleaning time reading time resting time scrapping time eating time catching up on sleep time organizing time but most of all Quiet Time..... for me. And anyway I just had to scrap that adorable pic of her sleeping. Not like I don't have a million of her sleeping huh? hehe.

and some close ups.....

This LO I did a long time ago with my Label Tulip August kit. I kept meaning to get it up on here but I needed to take a new pic of it and just hadn't done it yet. This picture of Creedence was taken when she was just two days old. It was only the second time I had been able to hold her. I didn't get to hold her right when she was born because she got taken to the NICU for breathing troubles (I was in labor for 44 hours and pushed for 2 hours and 45 mins so she was short on oxygen when she finally got out). This was a very special moment because she was completely out of it the first time I held her and then this time she was wide awake and we could see those gorgeous deep blue eyes that she still has. Those days in the hospital were a blur but this moment I will remember always.

This is a LO I did for Studio Calico's Etsy/Flicker challenge. This is the only LO I have done so far with my first Studio Calico kit but I inted on doing some more real soon! I chose to do my page inspired by Etsy's home page. They always have an entire selection of awesome things based on one particular color and I am just always going gaga over it!!! I love that site so much! Anyway you can plainly tell what my fav color is hehe.

Well that is it for LOs this time!! Lots and Lots to look at huh? hehe I always seem to have a massive photo spree everytime I do a post. Well almost always anyway hehe. I am going to leave you this time with a hint towards something so absolutely amazing and exciting my hands were shaking afterward! Go here. And guess.

Take care! ~Amy~