Hi again! :D Crazy to see me again so soon huh? :P
I wanted to real quick let all those who have written me emails as of late that I still need to respond to know that I am going to do so this weekend! :D I have not forgotten about you at all, things have just been super busy, so forgive me please! Life is just taking the wheel a little right now.
So as I mentioned yesterday, I decided to put my name in for the AC Design Team call-totally doubt I will make it but you never know huh?! :D I am trying to stay positive about it and not go nuts checking my email every 5 minutes ya know? I'm sure they had soooo many people apply this term, not that they don't every time, but I am just trying not to get my hopes up real high. :P I just think about how much fun I had making these projects and it makes me remember why I do this hobby. :D For me to have some fun, and get my family's memories recorded.
On with the layouts! :D
So my first here came out differently than I had started, definitely not how I had imagined it, but I am still very happy with it. I really love this photo of Creedence, even though it came out super blurry (it is actually focused on the tree behind her), and really wanted to use it on a layout. So I did sort of a play on words thing, and my title is Trying To Stay Focused. It is about knowing Preschool is just around the corner, and I am trying to make sure that Creedence is prepped for it. Staying focused on how it will all benefit her and help her in the long run, but at the same time I am starting to realize that the sooner we get to that point, the sooner she will no longer be a little baby!! She is growing up so fast, and I am just not ready for it.

This next layout is also about the Munchkin, she is just going through so many stages and changes that I am finding it difficult to keep up!! :P She has always been super active and on the move 24/7, but as of recent I have started to think she was seriously going overboard with being active! She is a million miles a minute, and that is
NO exaggeration! She is always talking, moving, jumping, tickling, asking, drinking, eating, running, pretending, and just plain loving being a kid!

My last paper scrapbooking project for the call is this card. :D Now most of you who know me absolutely know that I am
NO card maker! I have gotten many a laugh from myself at my failed attempts at cardmaking, and I have also wasted a TON of scrapbooking supplies trying to make said cards. :P But it is so much fun when it comes together as easily as this one did! It really helps when you have stuff that all goes together. :) To be honest, I think this might be my fav card that I have ever made!

And last, but certainly not least, my altered project. I had really REALLY wanted to do a particular mini album, but I had to put that aside for later due to time constraints. (I have intentions on doing the mini real soon though!) So instead I made this t-shirt for Creedence! I had started one for the baby as well, but realized I used the wrong size onesie-I used a 6 month when she fits 9 month so there was no fudging trying to get her in it! :P She is just waaaaay too much of a chunker anymore to fit anything but 9 month. Which technically for her age is the right size, but she has actually been in that size since she was almost 5 months!!! :P
Anyway, this shirt was so much fun to make! I have really been loving the
cute little t's made by
Amy Tangerine, and really hope someday I have enough money to get some for the girls! But for right now I opted to make my own. And it actually was a lot easier than I thought it would be!

I decided to use my favorite font, American Crafts Regards chipboard thickers, and they worked beautifully for this! This particular font was big enough to show what the letters were when stitched, yet small enough for all the letters to fit on the shirt :D I just simply stuck the letters on the shirt where I wanted, then stitched around them, and peeled them back off when I was done, to reveal the perfect size letters! :D I was really quite proud of myself because this was pretty crafty for me! Laugh! The little heart I made out of felt, and I sewed some Dear Lizzy ribbons onto it and then a pretty little bow in the middle! It came out pretty cute and Creedence LOVES wearing it!
She had such a blast posing in it that I couldn't help but send in this other cute pic of her wearing it! :D She is such a ham!

So there you have it! My submission! :D I really hope they like it!
And I totally blew it the other day when I posted my Guest Design projects and forgot to put up my cards! I made two cards for it, and they took almost as long to make as the layouts because I am that card challenged! Laugh! They are both pretty simple, and both baby cards. I am still in baby mode over here! And I think it is safe to say that I probably will be til the littlest turns one. :D

I'll be back again soon with my recent Crate Paper shares!
Take care!